Wild flour choice for EML

Edible merchandise company, Eat My Logo, has switched to Wildfarmed flour as the latest step in its journey towards sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Unlike conventional flours that rely heavily on pesticides and synthetic fertilisers, Wildfarmed prioritises natural processes and sustainable agricultural practices.

The flour will be used across all of Eat My Logo’s ‘from scratch’ bakes, which includes but isn’t limited to cupcakes and biscuits, which make up around 80% of sales.

By choosing Wildfarmed, Eat My Logo aims to minimise its impact on the environment and support UK farming. The flour also offers enhanced nutritional benefits as a result of its production.

Eat My Logo director Andy Poar said: “By making the switch to Wildfarmed flour, we are proud to align ourselves with initiatives that prioritise the health of our planet and our communities. We believe that every small change adds up to make a big difference, and this transition is just one example of our ongoing commitment to sustainability.”


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